My friend Siamak and I were talking on the phone today about improv and writing and first dates. We were considering that there’s a lot we have inside ourselves that only gets offered up in the presence of somebody we trust. Bright things that get shared more freely in a situation where someone else (teammate, …
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Apr 28 2011
Amy Kuttab’s May 4th Tshirt printed
We are gearing up for the upcoming event and if you haven’t rsvp’d via facebook and are the facebooking type, please do!
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Apr 26 2011
Mini April recap and a how to guide on making chocolate brain candy
Lo siento mi amigos para I didn’t make this all that adventuresome… and I’ll admit to further failings before we are through. Such as, I also don’t think the tutorial is better than say this, which I used as a guide to make my chocolate brains. BUT! I did promise a tutorial along with a slew of other articles and I figured I’d need to get at least one of them out lest I become known as a liar.
Even though liars have a place in the hearts of numerous great storytellers and perhaps even a place in my heart, I don’t want to be one. Lines at the bottom will tell you, “He doesn’t want to be thought of as a total lout.” You should probably trust bottom lines, seeing as they are known for their unwavering honesty.
Pluss-Pluss-Pluss I want an excuse to write about last month’s potluck. A good number of people showed up, more with food than dressed up as Zombies but despite my chagrin, the survivors didn’t get in any fights with the walking dead.
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Apr 25 2011
Design Mock Ups For May
Hope you like the mockups. The shirts should come out pretty much like this when I print them off.
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Apr 25 2011
Feels Like Home
I am excited about this. Not everything is simple, but in the middle of it all is a feeling that is. A feeling which, I’ve found–when I’ve had some courage and commitment to listen to it in my life– has brought me to the brightest places. Uncanny conversations, relevant exchanges, revolutions of friendship and creative adventure, answers, treasures, remedies and the very best surprises seem to come with more ease when I have some willingness to follow an interior sense of home. This is a feeling like joy, like recognizing something new that looks somehow familiar; like part of my own story that I remember with affection. Like I remember where I come from, sometimes I remember where I’m going.
To be sure, it is work sometimes to follow, let alone hear, this internal sense of direction. But I keep trying, and sometimes, the directions are louder than others. Like now. Like with this event Dan and I are making with and for our friends (those known, and yet-unknown : )). It’s a good challenge to bring it into being, but in the middle of it all it is a deep happiness… a feeling of yes and joy and of-course, that makes me feel like it is the nicest idea in the world for us to gather people ’round to listen to and be delighted by each other.
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Apr 23 2011
May 4th Storytelling Picnic at Stage 773
So people ask, “What is this Here’s the Story?” And if you didn’t know me, you’d think having been there as the germination seeds were sown I’d know the answer. That I’d understand, at least, my own vision for it. But I sort of don’t understand, and honestly I sort of don’t want to understand. Because to understand it would likely paint me as an architect, and rather than be an archetect I think what Janna, the others and I want is for us to just be open and present to the storytelling movement here in Chicago. A movement that is organic in nature, in that it’s real, and not caused by astroturffing, slick adds, (of which there are a few,) or big money. It’s coming from elsewhere, it’s coming from more people connecting, it’s coming from people from diverse backgrounds saying, “Hey this is cool, let’s be involved.”
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Apr 20 2011
The New Design is Here
A quick sneak peak at Amy Kuttab‘s Tshirt Design for next month’s show. Thank’s Amy!
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Apr 05 2011
The T-shirts are Finished
So we’ve been remiss in posting articles, but it’s in part because we’ve been busy having so many adventures. That means when we do get the time to sit down and set things to screen we’ll have a lot of content forthcoming. And speaking of screens! Here’s the Story spent all night working on hand-printing …
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Mar 26 2011
Facebook Invite is up, Thanks, and Coming Soon
So I just want to give a quick update on the April 6th potluck. The event has been posted on Metromix, and Zombie Chicago has been kind enough to plug the event as well. My good friend Noah saved me the horrible fate of making a Facebook of which I have an irrational fear. For …
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Mar 22 2011
Mockup of the T-shirt Has Arrived
April 6th Zombie Jesus Easter Potluck Party! 7:30-??? Come, bring food, bring brains, dress up! Free
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