
Susan Messing is Coming to Here’s the Story: Postcards

Postcard Front
Audio Track
Susan Messing – Messing With a Friend

On the 16th I got the chance to see Messing with a Friend. I brought along with me the lovely Lynda Joy and was fortunate enough to be seated next to three lovely strangers. One from far away, (but Chicago born!) and another, Marissa with a twitter account worth following, (or at least we believe so, come on hit approve! Wohoo, New Friend!) and Brian Elles.

They kindly helped me with my ECLT project.


Here are the resulting two poems:

Poem 2

Mission accomplished, I sent it off to ECLT:

I want to add a special thank you to Susan Messing and the Annoyance. She throws an awesome show and it’s on late enough that you could meet us at the Hideout on the 21st and then we could all caravan over? Thinks about it and hit me up!

Permanent link to this article: https://storyluck.org/susan-messing-is-coming-to-heres-the-story/

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