
About the Show

Stage 773
1225 W. Belmont
Returns in January
7:30 food
8:00 Stories

Story Luck potluck & picnic time!

Our focus at these evenings is unscripted, embodied story; the kind of old-timey theatrical storytelling that is practiced under porch-lights, on street corners and by fire-sides. We provide a space for stories from people who have a truth to tell. This truth may come through fact or fiction. The sorts of tales that come from: Traveling salesmen, street minstrels, sacred clowns, camp-counselors, medicine women, good dads at bedtime, solo performers in off-Broadway theaters, sex-positive performance artists, stand-up comics, drag queens, elementary school teachers, your grandma whenever someone was bored or fussy, professors, ministers, actors, doctors, writers, that person in your family who keeps the family and cultural stories alive by telling them, you.

By galvanizing a group of story loving folks around a monthly open story swap we look to create a space for dialogue on the complete range of topics that can be dealt with via narrative and anecdote. Perhaps an impossible goal we will only admit a wish to be doing this for a long time. We hope to create a place where magic is welcome, a place where it blossoms naturally.

To these ends, Here’s the Story is dedicated to making every event one worth telling stories about. It’s a potluck, it’s share and share alike, and it’s an invite everyone event.

Here are the rules for the potluck:
You don’t have to bring anything, but if you want to yay!
Don’t bring alcohol, or anything you don’t want to lose.
We will thank you so super duper extra much! That’s a Promise.


How the reading works:
5 featured readers.
5 stories from audience sign ups.
1 story picked by the audiance.

When one gets to Here’s the Story they are imbued with fifty points. One may spend these points on the five open swap tellers, the ones picked from audience sign ups. The fifty points can be split anyway that seems fitting, with the only restriction being that no individual may receive more than fifteen points.

We encourage the audience to write live notes on their score sheets to the readers they like. We announce the person with the most points on the website the next day and invite that person back to be a feature next month.

A clearly written timetable of events and proceedings.
1 – Show up at 7:30 with food (or just yourself, we always make enough cookies!)
2 – Sign up for the open tell (The story swap.)
3 – Mingle with other open swappers, the friends you brought, and the coordinators. Please make new friends.
4 – 7:55pm if you were selected to be a teller you will get notified as to when you’re going up. If you didn’t get in and you really want to read next month, tell us at the end of the show.
5 – 8:00pm the festivities begin and last till 10 plus.

Permanent link to this article: https://storyluck.org/about-the-show/

2 pings

  1. […] non-profit theater Here's The Story is holding auditions tomorrow, June 7 for a new "task-based" show called A Month […]

  2. […] their site, Here’s the Story describes their preferred style as “ unscripted, embodied story; the […]

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