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July 7th Show!

Happy summer, everybody! We hope you are enjoying the blooming irises, twirling helicopter seeds and puffs of cottonwood fluff snow-globing it through air. We live in such a ridiculously gorgeous city in this season. Even as she sprinkles us with some cool June days, Mama Chicago still loves her children in the summer time.

A good friend of mine began her job on a sailboat this summer, and in between multiple rainbow-sightings and flocks of yellow birds landing on the crew’s shoulders in the middle of Lake Michigan, her days have been filled with magic. Another friend took a train across the country to have the chance to see 2,000 miles pass by, and another got to watch last Thursday’s lightning storm from the Sears Tower. A friend and I found a white lilac tree blooming the other night, and we made wishes for our friends when we picked its flowers. I hope that for whatever joys or sorrows that may approach you this month, the beauty of natural world provides you with a constant source of wonder, comfort and love.

We have some fantastic featured storytellers joining us in July. Amazing writers, performers and yarn-spinners. And as always, we have five open slots for you to fill with your own stories. If you have one you’d like to tell– about anything!– just practice it out loud until it feels good and comfortable, and make sure it comes in at 5-7 minutes. Then come sign up between 7:30 and 8pm at Stage 773 on July 7th. It will help if you bring us a few written sentences about yourself, and your story (nothing longer than 3 or 4 sentences).

We look forward to seeing you in July, and we encourage you to buy tickets online. Our shows have been selling out, and so this is a way to make sure folks don’t get turned away. There is a free potluck ticket option online as well.

July 7th
7:30 potluck / 8pm show
Stage 773
1225 W. Belmont
$8 at the door, or free with a dish to share
brown paper tickets

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Permanent link to this article: https://storyluck.org/heres-the-story-july-7th-show/

New Year, New Stories!

Bam Class Full

Hi friends! Hope that everyone’s surviving the hustle of the holiday time, and that each of us gets some rest and rejuvenation somewhere in its midst. I’m in Arizona, where the rocks are rainbows, and anemone-colored cactuses and rusty treasures spill across people’s front yards like shipwrecks. It is surreal and beautiful, and even this far away, I am filled with love for Chicago, and for the wonderful people there. Wherever you are, Chicago or farther afield, I hope you feel loved and included like I do in the community we all are making.

Even with all the work-hecticness and travel and events and endings and beginnings of December and January, I am looking forward to the next show! In case you’re looking forward to it too, here is a glimpse of the people we’ll be featuring at our show on January 6th. They are beautiful humans, each. And great artists as well.

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Permanent link to this article: https://storyluck.org/new-year-new-stories/

Holiday Show and Year End Prize!

Hello beautiful Here’sthestorians! We are proud and pleased to announce our very first year-end holiday show! Dan and I have put a lot of work into dreaming this up for you, and think it’s going to be a really special night.

This show’s format will be different from usual, as we’ll be featuring 100% Audience Favorite tellers from the course of the year. There will be no walk-up slots; just your favorite Chicago tellers, gracing you with 8-minutes of their storytelling magic. As always, there will be a potluck dinner (we are hoping grand holiday feast style!) and great friends and community. The event is casual as ever, but if you’d like to get a little fancy, or costume it up, please do!

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Permanent link to this article: https://storyluck.org/holiday-show-and-year-end-prize/

One Long, Slantways Block

Last night I opted to be in the best possible place during an election that was scaring me a little too much: safe inside the Young Chicago Authors home base, surrounded by the passionate genius of poets, rappers and performance artists mostly under 21. From the rainy street, the high glass box room over Division and Milwaukee was a beacon; lit up with laughing, relaxed bodies and pumping hands and cheers, a bright spot of peace in community amidst a misty night, and a murky political moment.

Inside, people were singing, rhyming, truth telling, sooth-saying, making each other laugh and call out and sigh. Folks were aware of the hinge of the hour… songs and stories touched on personal beliefs and politics sometimes… but there was no sense of anyone holding their breath; no sense that the calm, clear connectedness that was there in the room was pending or predicated upon anything outside.

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Permanent link to this article: https://storyluck.org/one-long-slantways-block/

November 4th Features Feature!

Hello friends! We are proud and pleased to bring you YET another incredible (and yet completely credible) line-up of featured storytellers. There is something very joyful about having the job of going out into the world and recognizing wonderful people who we want to… share with more wonderful people. It is exciting to introduce you to each other, and to watch friendships and creative relationships grow as a result.

This month, we have some beautiful humans joining us to share their thinking, their experiences and their stories. Some of the best people we know, they all also happen to be excellent artists and powerful performers. Here they are, in all their digital informational glory…

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Permanent link to this article: https://storyluck.org/november-4th-features-feature/

Thank You and Congratulations, Cory O’Brien!

Thanks to everyone who joined us on October 7th. We were overjoyed by your company, and as always, appreciate those who brought and shared their stories. Thanks for your courage and humor and insight. It’s what we come together for.

As we experience successes, like the completion of our Kickstarter campaign, (which remains open until 10pm tonight, with unique rewards like season passes for next year), and like having over 100 of you with us in the room last night, it is important to keep clear sight of the reasons this love and support is coming our way.

It is easy to be dazzled or wowed by appreciation and successes, but our responsibility remains one of holding a space that lets people come to share and listen to truths being told. Popularity will wax and wane, but our priority is to remain true to our mission. Even and especially as the size of our audiences grow and we become more involved in producing events, it is very important to us to continue to offer a monthly space that is affordable, inclusive, warm, and allows for things honest and bold and tender and true, in the midst of life that is not always that way.

Thank you all for coming out. If you are a repeat Here’s the Storian, thank you for playing and sharing. And if you have newly discovered us, we hope you’ll come back! It is super cheesy but true, we are Here for you.

Thanks for being here for us.

And special thanks to Cory O’Brien who has graciously accepted the invite to come back next month and feature with us. You told a great tale, and we are excited to see you on November 4th.

With love and gratitude,
Janna and Dan

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Permanent link to this article: https://storyluck.org/thank-you-and-congratulations-cory-obrien/

August 5th Feature List

We have a wonderful line-up of featured tellers in August, and we cannot wait to share them with you! Reggie Eldridge, Dana Noris, Jen Bosworth, Vernon Mina and Lily BE, all in one room!!! Join us August 5th for Here’s the Story’s next show!

Click bellow to read more!

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Permanent link to this article: https://storyluck.org/august-5th-feature-list/

July 1st Feature List

1225 West Belmont
Sunday July 1st
7:30 Potluck
8:00 Stories
Free if you bring food

Robert Brown
Paulette McDaniels
Brian Posen
Ruth Kaufman
Darren Stephens

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Permanent link to this article: https://storyluck.org/july-1st-feature-list/

June 3rd Features Feature

We humbly present to you this month’s features.

Megan Stielstra
Joshua Safford
Eric May
Scott Whitehair
The Album

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Permanent link to this article: https://storyluck.org/june-3rd-features-feature/

May 6th Features’ Feature

Our feature line up this month is spectacular! Click to read more!

Bill Hillmann
Marty Schousboe & Morgan Lord
Stephanie McCullough
David J Boyd

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Permanent link to this article: https://storyluck.org/may-6th-features-feature/