Tag: Lily Be
When Dan Boyd suggested that I meet him at Stoop-Style Stories, I said, “Sure, I’ll be there!” It was about ten minutes later when my worry started to kick in:
“I don’t know where this place is, how will I get there? What if I’m not cool enough? Or what if it’s super awkward to go up to strangers and ask if they’re Dan Boyd? It’ll be dark. I could get struck by lightning. Or kidnapped by goblins.”
To at least muffle the voice of my worries, I brought a friend. Goblin crisis averted.
Before Stoop-Style Stories, I had never been to a storytelling show, so I had no idea what to expect when I waltzed into Rosa’s Lounge. What I did find, as the evening progressed, is something that regular storytelling audience members will take as a matter of fact: this is a ritual.
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Permanent link to this article: https://storyluck.org/stoop-style-stories/
Hello beautiful Here’sthestorians! We are proud and pleased to announce our very first year-end holiday show! Dan and I have put a lot of work into dreaming this up for you, and think it’s going to be a really special night.
This show’s format will be different from usual, as we’ll be featuring 100% Audience Favorite tellers from the course of the year. There will be no walk-up slots; just your favorite Chicago tellers, gracing you with 8-minutes of their storytelling magic. As always, there will be a potluck dinner (we are hoping grand holiday feast style!) and great friends and community. The event is casual as ever, but if you’d like to get a little fancy, or costume it up, please do!
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Permanent link to this article: https://storyluck.org/holiday-show-and-year-end-prize/
First off, special thanks to Monte for getting us these awesome photos, right after the show!
Second! Wow, 46 people filled out cards and we ended up with a tie. Both Ron and Xavier scored the exact same number of points. That’s crazy! They also scored the exact same number of 15s!
When counting up all the points I found it a little ironic that Ron got the most points from the three people in the audience who refused to be constrained by our tyrannical rules. Only 50 points! Pfft, how about I try and give away 61! Or, only 15 to one person? I’m going to drop 35 on on one person! What are they going to do? Normalize the scores, just like they said at the beginning of the show?
It’s great because that’s totally the sort of stunt I would pull, not out of malice to rules, but because I’m that bad at math.
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Permanent link to this article: https://storyluck.org/congratulations-to-ron-and-xavier-we-cordially-invite-you-back-to-feature-sept-2nd/
We have a wonderful line-up of featured tellers in August, and we cannot wait to share them with you! Reggie Eldridge, Dana Noris, Jen Bosworth, Vernon Mina and Lily BE, all in one room!!! Join us August 5th for Here’s the Story’s next show!
Click bellow to read more!
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Permanent link to this article: https://storyluck.org/august-5th-feature-list/
That’s right, Lily Be has been asked and accepted the invitation to come back. We super appreciate it, Lily.
Lily Be’s story was poignant and played in nicely with the themes of the night. Particularly in regard to the prompt, “Tell us about a time you trusted someone and it turned out to be the right thing to do.”
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Permanent link to this article: https://storyluck.org/congradulations-lily-be-and-thank-you-for-accepting-our-invitation-to-tell-on-aug-5th/