First off, special thanks to Monte for getting us these awesome photos, right after the show!
Second! Wow, 46 people filled out cards and we ended up with a tie. Both Ron and Xavier scored the exact same number of points. That’s crazy! They also scored the exact same number of 15s!
When counting up all the points I found it a little ironic that Ron got the most points from the three people in the audience who refused to be constrained by our tyrannical rules. Only 50 points! Pfft, how about I try and give away 61! Or, only 15 to one person? I’m going to drop 35 on on one person! What are they going to do? Normalize the scores, just like they said at the beginning of the show?
It’s great because that’s totally the sort of stunt I would pull, not out of malice to rules, but because I’m that bad at math.