
Category: Main Show

Honesty Is Not Contagious, But J. Rohr’s Stories Are

The new year is flying by, and before we know it, our next Story Luck show is here! Mark your calendars for Sunday February 2nd, because this potluck is shaping up to be one for the books. We’ve got 4 great features: Aviya Kushner, Carolyn Thomas-Davidoff, Claudia Maru and… J. Rohr A Chicago native with a …

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Permanent link to this article: https://storyluck.org/honesty-is-not-contagious-but-j-rohrs-stories-are/

‘Over the Rainbow’ is a Song about Detention

The crazy reason I sometimes miss detention is the same reason I miss a lot of probably unpleasant things: fear of missing out.  I know what you’re thinking—the point of detention is that you’re detained. You, in your teenage prime, after 7 hours of school, have to sit for another hour of school, but drained …

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Permanent link to this article: https://storyluck.org/relive-detention-book-club/

Story Luck Potluck Show

The Story Luck ShowFeb 2ndTheater Witt 1229 W. Belmont Ave6:30pm Potluck7:00pm ShowTickets 20 or free with a shared dish. Come! Your favorite potluck show is always a crowd pleaser. There will be 4 walk-up story tellers and 4 featured story tellers. Walk up tellers get 5 minutes to tell a story from their hearts. It …

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Permanent link to this article: https://storyluck.org/story-luck-potluck-show/

Jay Rohr Features Monday’s Workshop Workshop

Story Luck

J. Rohr is a Chicago native with a taste for history and wandering the city at odd hours. An author of short fiction and poetry, his work has appeared in publications such as Broadswords and Blasters, Hoosier Noir, Dragon Bike: Fantastical Stories of Bicycle Feminism & Dragons, and Pulp Modern.

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Permanent link to this article: https://storyluck.org/jay-rohr-features-mondays-workshop-workshop/

Workshop! Workshop!

You know you are your own assassin

Bob Dancer is the premier video poker writer and teacher. He’s been a successful professional gambler for decades. Click to see more about Bob and the story he’ll be working on.

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Permanent link to this article: https://storyluck.org/workshop-workshop/

A Month Of… Disconnect Yourself

Photo Storytelling Duo Cory

A Month Of… Disconnect Yourself
1225 West Belmont
7:30 Food
8:00 Stories
$10 or free with a shared dish
It’s also free if you post a story before hand here!

This month the audience chose to go out and find strangers with special places to go. We got a lot of good suggestions. (You can follow us on Instagram/storyluck and twitter/storyluck to watch us live tweet the event!)

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Permanent link to this article: https://storyluck.org/a-month-of-disconnect-yourself/

A Month Of … Hearing Voices

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Permanent link to this article: https://storyluck.org/a-month-of-hearing-voices/

July 7th Show!

Happy summer, everybody! We hope you are enjoying the blooming irises, twirling helicopter seeds and puffs of cottonwood fluff snow-globing it through air. We live in such a ridiculously gorgeous city in this season. Even as she sprinkles us with some cool June days, Mama Chicago still loves her children in the summer time.

A good friend of mine began her job on a sailboat this summer, and in between multiple rainbow-sightings and flocks of yellow birds landing on the crew’s shoulders in the middle of Lake Michigan, her days have been filled with magic. Another friend took a train across the country to have the chance to see 2,000 miles pass by, and another got to watch last Thursday’s lightning storm from the Sears Tower. A friend and I found a white lilac tree blooming the other night, and we made wishes for our friends when we picked its flowers. I hope that for whatever joys or sorrows that may approach you this month, the beauty of natural world provides you with a constant source of wonder, comfort and love.

We have some fantastic featured storytellers joining us in July. Amazing writers, performers and yarn-spinners. And as always, we have five open slots for you to fill with your own stories. If you have one you’d like to tell– about anything!– just practice it out loud until it feels good and comfortable, and make sure it comes in at 5-7 minutes. Then come sign up between 7:30 and 8pm at Stage 773 on July 7th. It will help if you bring us a few written sentences about yourself, and your story (nothing longer than 3 or 4 sentences).

We look forward to seeing you in July, and we encourage you to buy tickets online. Our shows have been selling out, and so this is a way to make sure folks don’t get turned away. There is a free potluck ticket option online as well.

July 7th
7:30 potluck / 8pm show
Stage 773
1225 W. Belmont
$8 at the door, or free with a dish to share
brown paper tickets

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Permanent link to this article: https://storyluck.org/heres-the-story-july-7th-show/

Congratulations Stephanie Douglass

Here’s the Story has been a blessing.

For those that didn’t make it, this is going to be a podcast worth waiting for.

For now, take a quick look at some of the great pictures taken by Matt Szalinski and wish you were there live.

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Permanent link to this article: https://storyluck.org/congradulations-stephanie-douglass/

Here’s the Story on June 2nd!

Join Here’s the Story on June 2nd for some of the greatest people and best storytellers we know. Features Samantha Irby, Ray Teresi, Cory O’Brien, Angelina Pizzi and Polly Yukevich will be on hand to expand your horizons, crack you up, strum your pain with their fingers, and sing your life with their words. For just this month’s show, we will be just next door to Stage 773, at Theater Wit, enjoying their pretty exposed brick walls and abundant air conditioning… sweet.

Click here to know more about June’s fabulous features!

Here’s the Story June 2nd
7:30 potluck/ 8pm show
Theater Wit,1229 W. Belmont
$9 at the door, FREE if you bring a dish for the potluck
to avoid being turned away, please purchase advance tickets online here!

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Permanent link to this article: https://storyluck.org/heres-the-story-on-june-2nd/