The Story Luck ShowFeb 2ndTheater Witt 1229 W. Belmont Ave6:30pm Potluck7:00pm ShowTickets 20 or free with a shared dish. Come! Your favorite potluck show is always a crowd pleaser. There will be 4 walk-up story tellers and 4 featured story tellers. Walk up tellers get 5 minutes to tell a story from their hearts. It …
Tag: Dan Boyd
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Nov 07 2022
No Experts Allowed Special Offer Email
No Experts Allowed is a philosophy of putting the beginner mindset first.
We are in this together to create more, consistently.
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Jun 24 2022
All the Books on Storytelling I’ve Read in 2022
I’ve read 25+ books on the art and craft of storytelling. Here’s a quick 3 sentence summary of what I’ve read so far this year. One major take away or what I enjoyed. For those who are interested, every book here links to amazon, if you buy it we will make money off that purchase. …
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Feb 12 2022
You Want to Change Lives With Your Story. This Storytelling Class is For You.
Storytelling, Voice and Sense of Self – Advanced Sessions February 28th thru April 14th 2022 You’re lucky to live in a world where all it takes is a story to change someone’s life forever. Your stories, properly told, are a conduit for positive change. This class, will teach you how to connect to the people …
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Aug 16 2021
An Interview as Means of Understanding Technique. Noah Firestone Talks With Storyteller, Dan Boyd.
Noah Firestone asks Dan Boyd some deep philosophical questions about portraying different characters while telling personal stories.
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Feb 26 2021
Narrator Vs Character an Overview
Noah wrote 6 articles about this subject over the past two months. Here is the list of the articles all in one place, and a slight overview. Storytelling is a skill, similar to shooting a basketball or learning to code. You get better the more you do a dedicated kind of practice. Dedicated practice means, …
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Feb 11 2021
Heidi Grandberry Featuring
Heidi Grandberry was brought into this world against her will. Her childhood was spent in the Midwest where she became fluent in the language of Passive Aggression. Her comedy is dark while simultaneously engaging and thoughtful.
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Feb 08 2021
A Quick Example of Narrator Vs Character
These posts are adapted from the 20 minute lessons on story telling presented by Dan at the beginning of our Workshop! Workshop! show. I want to continue with the theme from the post the other day where we talked about how in first person narrative, you as the narrator is separate from you as a …
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