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Permanent link to this article: https://storyluck.org/youtube-can-be-leveraged-without-a-huge-following-lets-workshop-together-to-find-out-how/
Permanent link to this article: https://storyluck.org/top-ten-things-i-learned-from-snark-king-david-sedariss-master-class-and-my-biggest-takeaway/
Jan 03 2021
Meander, Spiral, Explode
Sometimes a book hits you different. I’ve been devouring books on writing. For some value of devour, I suppose. I read roughly 26 books last year. This pales in comparison to most of the people in my feed, but I’m generally a one book a month kind of reader.
This is a book that popped into my feed as a recommendation. Free for having an audible account. (If you have the 7.98 a month version, it’s in the Netflix style al la carte.) I wouldn’t have run into it otherwise.
Permanent link to this article: https://storyluck.org/meander-spiral-explode/
Apr 07 2020
A Case for Audible
If three people buy Audible we will get let into the affiliate program. Amazon already has us as a Smile Member, so it’d be a good fit for us.
For those who don’t know, while covid-19 is going on, a large swath of their young adult and child audio books are being given away for free to everyone. Not just the people with subscriptions.
Permanent link to this article: https://storyluck.org/one-case-for-audible/