
Tag: Masterclass

David Sedaris’ Masterclass Review (Buy the Book)

David Sedaris in lights

I recently posted a listicle of the top ten things I liked about David Sedaris’s Masterclass. I’m going to free associate on those in greater detail now. Everyone says write every day but there was a snark and condescension in the way he said it that hit home. This apathy and almost disdain for other …

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Permanent link to this article: https://storyluck.org/david-sedaris-masterclass-review-buy-the-book/

Top Ten Things I Learned from Snark King, David Sedaris’s Master Class (And my biggest takeaway.)

David Sedaris Looking Suave

David Sedaris has about 6hrs of content on Masterclass. After going through the course, here are my top 10 biggest take aways. For further reading about our review system go back to the first article here. (Affiliate Link) 1. Write all day. 4hrs minimum. 2. The opening line is everything. 3. Writing is rewriting. 4. …

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Permanent link to this article: https://storyluck.org/top-ten-things-i-learned-from-snark-king-david-sedariss-master-class-and-my-biggest-takeaway/