
Noah Firestone

Noah lives in Columbus Ohio, where he put on Journey to the End of the Night, and sits on the Board of Directors for Story Luck.

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  1. Doug Lipman, Listening, and 5L1K — 1 comments

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An Interview as Means of Understanding Technique. Noah Firestone Talks With Storyteller, Dan Boyd.

Noah Dancing

Noah Firestone asks Dan Boyd some deep philosophical questions about portraying different characters while telling personal stories.

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Permanent link to this article: https://storyluck.org/an-interview/

You Think You’re Bad at Storytelling. Let’s Give You Another Way to Look at It.

Mindset Shift

If you think you can’t get better at storytelling, you’re wrong. Let Carol Dweck explain skills with incremental theory.

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Permanent link to this article: https://storyluck.org/you-think-youre-bad-at-storytelling-lets-give-you-another-way-to-look-at-it/

Story Arc or How to Keep Your Audience’s Attention

The idea of a story arc is a concept you’re probably familiar with. We talk about it a lot in our Workshop Workshop because we’ve found it a versatile tool. The Workshop Crew uses it to think about and reason through our stories. It’s a way of mapping tension inside of the three act structure. …

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Permanent link to this article: https://storyluck.org/story-arc-or-how-to-keep-your-audiences-attention/

Workshop Workshop Featuring Tim Barnes

Workshop Workshop Tim Barnes

Tim Barnes is a Los Angeles born Brooklyn-based comedian and writer whose absurdist humor brings light to social issues from unexpected angles.

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Permanent link to this article: https://storyluck.org/workshop-workshop-featuring-tim-barnes/

5L1K and the Importance of Listening Well

Listening is a skill

A big part of our Workshop! Workshop! lessons is that everything’s a skill, and if you practice you’ll get better. Listening is a skill. It’s an almost meditative skill. Often, we don’t think about listening as being a skill because so much of our listening has become passive listening. Passive listening is hearing the person …

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Permanent link to this article: https://storyluck.org/5l1k-storytelling-is-a-skill-based-learning-methodology/

Doug Lipman, Listening, and 5L1K

These posts are adapted from the 20 minute lessons on story telling presented by Dan at the beginning of our Workshop! Workshop! show. All links are affiliate links. Here at Story Luck we really liked Doug Lipman’s Book on Storytelling. It’s a huge influence on us. I want to relay an anecdote Doug recounts in …

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Permanent link to this article: https://storyluck.org/doug-lipmans-influence-on-5l1k/

How Does One Lean in to Listen Well?

People listening

When you listen to other people it’s practice for when you have to listen to yourself. What you’re listening for is subtle but it helps you when you apply that found knowledge to your own stories.

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Permanent link to this article: https://storyluck.org/how-does-one-listen-well-lean-in/

Workshop Workshop Featuring – Vanessa Tardiff from I love Bad Star Trek

Vanessa T

Join us Monday6pm CentralFreeTwitch.tv/storyluckFacebook Invite Vanessa Loves Bad Star Trek Vanessa Tardiff has been calling Chicago home for the last decade since leaving home in Washington, D.C. But we get the sense she’d be just as happy on the bridge of the Enterprise. As soon as she was capable of spelling she tells us, she …

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Permanent link to this article: https://storyluck.org/vanessa-loves-bad-star-features/

The Power of Listening

Food and Fam

Deep listening is an active process. Fundamentally what you are aiming for is to understand what the other person is trying to convey. Often that means you will need to ask questions to help clarify and fill in any details that are missing.

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Permanent link to this article: https://storyluck.org/the-power-of-listening/

Elaborative vs Repetitive Mothers

Workshop! Workshop!

One group is the Elaborative Mother and the other is the Repetitive Mother. The Repetitive Mother tells you just the facts. She places importance on the order of events and she wants to know why you’re telling the story. She wants to help you get through it and so she’ll ask questions and create scaffolding to help you create your story to help you be succinct and direct.

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Permanent link to this article: https://storyluck.org/elaborative-vs-repetitive-mothers/