
Tag: Byron Roussin

Holiday Show and Year End Prize!

Hello beautiful Here’sthestorians! We are proud and pleased to announce our very first year-end holiday show! Dan and I have put a lot of work into dreaming this up for you, and think it’s going to be a really special night.

This show’s format will be different from usual, as we’ll be featuring 100% Audience Favorite tellers from the course of the year. There will be no walk-up slots; just your favorite Chicago tellers, gracing you with 8-minutes of their storytelling magic. As always, there will be a potluck dinner (we are hoping grand holiday feast style!) and great friends and community. The event is casual as ever, but if you’d like to get a little fancy, or costume it up, please do!

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Permanent link to this article: https://storyluck.org/holiday-show-and-year-end-prize/

Thank you Scott Whitehair!

Scott Whitehair is a Chicago literary staple. You need your daily dose, and we are happy to provide it to you again on June third.

Thanks to everyone who came out! We will be posting the podcast sometime this week. And we hope to see you all during Journey to the End of the Night on Saturday May 12th.

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Permanent link to this article: https://storyluck.org/thank-you-scott-whitehair/

Podcast is up

November 2011 Here’s the Story PodcastNovember (We had technical difficulties with this one and unfortunately lost four of the stories. We will be recording with redundancy next month.)

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Permanent link to this article: https://storyluck.org/podcast-is-up/

Congratulations Byron Roussin

We happily announce that one of the creative forces behind the upcoming Yard Times, has accepted the audience’s invitation to come back and tell us another tale as a featured reader. Thank you so much Byron Roussin.

It was a great show. I will be laughing for days to come regaling those who didn’t make it out. I suspect Janna will be writing up a swell little recap in the next day or so, and the podcast should be going up tomorrow or late tonight, but in the meantime:

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Permanent link to this article: https://storyluck.org/congratulations-byron-roussin/