
Category: Storytelling News

Chicago Lit Fest Highlights: Rea Frey and Dawn Jackson Blatner

Those looking for the vegetable-based funk should head down and see Rea Frey and Dawn Jackson Blatner are the Chicago Lit Fest. Frey has been spreading the word about the perks of a vegan based lifestyle; she has a blog, a website, and a documentary – “Vegucated” -, and generally promotes a Power Vegan lifestyle. …

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Permanent link to this article: https://storyluck.org/chicago-lit-fest-highlights-rea-frey-and-dawn-jackson-blatner/

Five Interesting Storytelling Articles this Month

StoryLuck is dedicated to storytelling in all its forms: traditional and alternative. Check out some of this week’s news on alternative storytelling through video games, social media, graphic design, and more. They’ll make you rethink your definition of a story.   1. Adobe Designs Storytelling App Adobe Voice, which debuted this month, is an iPad …

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Permanent link to this article: https://storyluck.org/five-interesting-storytelling-articles-this-month/

Some Podcasts worth Checking out!

1. The Moth: what I liked about The Moth is the founding story from George Dawes Greene’s life. Sitting outside telling stories with his friends prompted him to want to expand storytelling all together. I like how fast The Moth grew because of the people interested to tell and listen to different stories. I like hearing about how small The Moth started off to become a podcast that started on a porch in Georgia and made it to New York.

2. StoryCorps: I like how different StoryCorps goes about getting new stories. They get interviews from people and record and store them. I think it is a cool way to preserve stories in the moment and gather the words and emotion behind what was said. I think StoryCoprs is obvious in what they want to get out of storytelling with diversity and vulnerability. The vulnerability of StoryCorps is what attracted me the most to their version of storytelling, to broaden different points of view in a world that everyone shares together.

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Permanent link to this article: https://storyluck.org/some-podcasts-worth-checking-out/

Lit Fest Memories

On the weekend of June 8 and June 9, 2013, Printer’s Row Lit Fest was held on a block of Dearborn where printing and publishing houses were located. In previous years, I have only ever attended Lit Fest as a casual observer of the beautifully bound vintage books, the old movie posters, the speakers, panels, and cooking demonstrations. This year, working with Here’s the Story, I helped man the table where we sold t-shirts, talked about our organization, and my gumball machine poem dispenser made its debut.

My overall experience of Printer’s Row Lit Fest was a warm one. In addition to the heat pounding on the tops of our heads, we were met by the warm words of countless people who stopped by at the Here’s the Story table. Setting up a gumball machine dispensing poems printed on brightly colored paper meant that people stopped to buy poems, take pictures, or talk to the poet and the organization that supported her.

With the exception of one vocal person.

“No, those aren’t candy, those are poems, you don’t want those,” a man said as he tugged on the hand of his son who was maybe eight years old tops.

I don’t know if he knew that I had heard him, but my outward reaction was a theatrical one for the benefit of the group that had stopped to buy poems.

“Ouch,” I said, clutching at my heart as if I had been mortally wounded by the unintentionally barbed words. “Happy Lit Fest!”

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Permanent link to this article: https://storyluck.org/lit-fest-memories/