
Tag: trains

A Month of Boundaries: Red Line Book Club

Hillel gifted us with this idea of creating a space within a space after he started busting out moves at a club. The audience told him, “You’re a really good dancer!” But rather than rock out to the dance club grooves he didn’t care for, he had popped in his earbuds. The club was just …

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Permanent link to this article: https://storyluck.org/a-month-of-boundaries-red-line-book-club/

The 151 from Stockton

So confession… I’m kind of a crappy Chicagoan (let me put in the caveat that I’m from the Western suburbs before I have the real city dwellers jumping down my throat). I’m a crappy Chicagoan in more than a few ways. I prefer my hotdogs with plain ketchup, and I tend to root for the …

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Permanent link to this article: https://storyluck.org/the-151-from-stockton/

A Quick Reflection on Chicago’s Story Club


Uncommon Ground, what a name for a place that holds readings and folk singers in its tiny alcove corner heart; it is of course a coffee shop and as such I suppose “uncommon” is being used as a differentiator.

Their grounds are no squelch, popper, or common beans – rather, they serve rarefied coffee. Still, standing outside, my popped tire bicycle racked up, the sign reading “Uncommon Ground” strikes me funny enough to use as a first line here.

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Permanent link to this article: https://storyluck.org/a-quick-reflection-on-chicagos-story-club/