These posts are adapted from the 20 minute lessons on story telling presented by Dan at the beginning of our Workshop! Workshop! show. As you know, here at Story Luck we’re really into the idea of skills being general across the board. Storytelling is a skill and general rules about skills are applicable. So you …
Tag: Storytelling
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Feb 24 2021
Four Developmental Milestones for Good Storytelling
These posts are adapted from the 20 minute lessons on story telling presented by Dan at the beginning of our Workshop! Workshop! show. Monisha Pasupathi says, that around eight years old you start telling “good stories” and she thinks there’s these four things that need to be mastered, developmentally speaking, to be able to pull …
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Feb 22 2021
Learning is a Skill
These posts are adapted from the 20 minute lessons on story telling presented by Dan at the beginning of our Workshop! Workshop! show. At the Workshop! Workshop! We are always pushing the agenda that everything is a skill. Writing is a skill. Telling a story is a skill. In terms of nature vs nurture, we …
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Feb 19 2021
Use Your Narratorial Powers
These posts are adapted from the 20 minute lessons on story telling presented by Dan at the beginning of our Workshop! Workshop! show. The other day, Kay was having a conversation with Dan during class. She brought up that they’d been in a closed workshop together. She said, “Last night I got to listen to …
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Feb 11 2021
Heidi Grandberry Featuring
Heidi Grandberry was brought into this world against her will. Her childhood was spent in the Midwest where she became fluent in the language of Passive Aggression. Her comedy is dark while simultaneously engaging and thoughtful.
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Feb 08 2021
A Quick Example of Narrator Vs Character
These posts are adapted from the 20 minute lessons on story telling presented by Dan at the beginning of our Workshop! Workshop! show. I want to continue with the theme from the post the other day where we talked about how in first person narrative, you as the narrator is separate from you as a …
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Feb 05 2021
Storytelling as Theater
These posts are adapted from the 20 minute lessons on story telling presented by Dan at the beginning of our Workshop! Workshop! show. In storytelling you are always aware, as narrator, that the audience is there. You’re talking directly to specific people in that crowd, you’re making eye contact and connecting with them. One trick …
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Jan 30 2021
Character Vs Narrator as Storytelling Concept
These posts are adapted from the 20 minute lessons on story telling presented by Dan at the beginning of our Workshop! Workshop! show. One idea that’s intuitive to implement in terms of storytelling, is the idea that you as a narrator are separate from the you as a character in your story. But it’s learned …
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Jan 15 2021
Workshop! Workshop! – January 25th, 2021
Monday, January 25th, at 6pm Central/7pm Eastern we will be working on storytelling with special guest Suzii Galvan. Asked to describe herself, Suzii told us: “I’m Suzii, small town girl from the valley of California. Self taught mix medium artist, Podcast host of Just. Press. Foreplay., and dog mom of 3. Lover of the metaphysical, …
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Feb 25 2020
Tertiary Delight’s Origin Story: Part 3
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