
Tag: Daniel Andrew Boyd

You’re One of 3 People Who Attend Masterminds Regularly.

Masterminds are for people like me. Let’s see if they’re for you too. I’ve recently volunteered to help administrate Story Luck’s Slacker’s Mastermind and wanted to learn more about masterminds in general. I’ve discovered masterminds are powerful communities where people come together to share knowledge, challenge each other, and grow. They attract a wide range …

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Permanent link to this article: https://storyluck.org/youre-one-of-3-people-who-attend-masterminds-regularly/

Story Luck Talks: Your Origin Story. Twitter Spaces Story Hour.

Story Luck loves going to other shows and reaching new audiences. Because then we get to introduce you to new shows! It was an honor to be on @thesocialaudioguy‘s Twitter Spaces Story Hour. Chris’s fans were absolutely generous. He’s created a Twitter Space where everyone lays down their weapons. Where no one’s afraid to embrace …

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Permanent link to this article: https://storyluck.org/story-luck-talks-about-your-origin-story-twitter-spaces-story-hour/

All the Books I’ve Read On Storytelling

I read 50+ books so you wouldn’t have to. Though some of them, you should read, because they’re great! When you want to read a book on storytelling, and are at a loss for which one to read next, sometimes it helps to know someone who read the book too. I’m promoting all these books …

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Permanent link to this article: https://storyluck.org/all-the-books-ive-read-on-storytelling/

Four Developmental Milestones for Good Storytelling

Workshop Workshop

These posts are adapted from the 20 minute lessons on story telling presented by Dan at the beginning of our Workshop! Workshop! show. Monisha Pasupathi says, that around eight years old you start telling “good stories” and she thinks there’s these four things that need to be mastered, developmentally speaking, to be able to pull …

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Permanent link to this article: https://storyluck.org/four-developmental-milestones-for-good-storytelling/