
Tag: StoryLuck



These posts are adapted from the 20 minute lessons on story telling presented by Dan at the beginning of our Workshop! Workshop! show. As you know, here at Story Luck we’re really into the idea of skills being general across the board. Storytelling is a skill and general rules about skills are applicable. So you …

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Permanent link to this article: https://storyluck.org/implicit-vs-explicit-learning/

Four Developmental Milestones for Good Storytelling

Workshop Workshop

These posts are adapted from the 20 minute lessons on story telling presented by Dan at the beginning of our Workshop! Workshop! show. Monisha Pasupathi says, that around eight years old you start telling “good stories” and she thinks there’s these four things that need to be mastered, developmentally speaking, to be able to pull …

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Permanent link to this article: https://storyluck.org/four-developmental-milestones-for-good-storytelling/

Five Interesting Storytelling Articles this Month

StoryLuck is dedicated to storytelling in all its forms: traditional and alternative. Check out some of this week’s news on alternative storytelling through video games, social media, graphic design, and more. They’ll make you rethink your definition of a story.   1. Adobe Designs Storytelling App Adobe Voice, which debuted this month, is an iPad …

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Permanent link to this article: https://storyluck.org/five-interesting-storytelling-articles-this-month/