The Story Luck ShowFeb 2ndTheater Witt 1229 W. Belmont Ave6:30pm Potluck7:00pm ShowTickets 20 or free with a shared dish. Come! Your favorite potluck show is always a crowd pleaser. There will be 4 walk-up story tellers and 4 featured story tellers. Walk up tellers get 5 minutes to tell a story from their hearts. It …
Tag: food
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Sep 11 2015
2 Dinners and a Goodbye
My dreams are in 2D. Everything looks like it’s straight from a cartoon. I’m not only aware that I’m dreaming, but I can also control my actions in my dreams. If I wake up in the middle of dreaming, my dream pauses and I’m able to continue when I fall asleep again. Some people call …
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Jul 24 2015
Story Luck at Feastival
This weekend we will be at Eco hosting a Story Luck style open mic with three guest features.
Story Luck
Saturday July 26th
2042 W 21st Street, Chicago, Chicago, Illinois 60608
Tickets are available here!
And here is the Facebook invite with full details: Edible Alchemy Hosts Feastival at Eco
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Sep 01 2013
What Do You Want From Me?
The idea is simple: collect a large-ish sample of instructions, analyze them, and plot a course of action accordingly. Clearly, I trust each and every one of my friends to play nice.
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