Tag: Aaron Carter
A heartfelt thanks to everyone who came this past Wednesday and shared at Here’s the Story. The room was an excellent mix – we had lots of visitors from out of town, a big storytelling class hailing from Tennessee, a suspicious number of Chicagoans from Ohio, and all kinds of overlapping themes. We talked about topics ranging from funerals to relationships with fathers to vaginas in a variety of, um, sticky situations. That’s right. I said it. If you were there, you knew what I was talking about.

One of the reasons we don’t give a prompt or dictate themes at our potluck is because this gives people the opportunity to observe the natural themes and coincidences that emerge organically when people trust themselves and tell what they feel most drawn to tell.
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Permanent link to this article: https://storyluck.org/thank-you-2/
Arlene Malinowski
Joe Janes
Aaron Carter
Stephanie Douglass
and Jennifer Burns!
RSVP on Facebook!
We are proud and pleased to feature the storytelling of five remarkable people at the upcoming Here’s the Story. On September 14th, we are honored to have with us Arlene Malinowski, Joe Janes, Aaron Carter, Stephanie Douglass, and Jennifer Burns, last month’s open-mic winner. These folks are incredible thinkers, writers, artists, scientists and storytellers, and we are very excited about getting to share them with you. Here is a little bit more about each of them, in case you’d like to get excited too…
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Permanent link to this article: https://storyluck.org/sept-14th-the-features-feature/
I am sitting in an elegantly appointed club car on an antique train, rocking gently around the Puget Sound at the foot of the Cascade mountains. The sun is setting over the water. It has been 3 years since I’ve been able to afford to leave Chicago to travel, and am presently in the midst of an economy-is-the-mother-of-luxury vacation, in which I am determinedly visiting as many of my west-coast relatives as I can while I can afford to be out here near them. This means I get to see eyes and touch hands with my loves in Washington, Northern and Southern Oregon, the California Bay Area and Los Angeles, and Tucson, Arizona. And the many stops mean that I am taking the train, which in turn means that I get to experience the peace and exhilaration of taking the time it takes to move from one place to another, and to see the distance in between.

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Permanent link to this article: https://storyluck.org/nothing-better/