Tag: Bridget Bode
A heartfelt thanks to everyone who came this past Wednesday and shared at Here’s the Story. The room was an excellent mix – we had lots of visitors from out of town, a big storytelling class hailing from Tennessee, a suspicious number of Chicagoans from Ohio, and all kinds of overlapping themes. We talked about topics ranging from funerals to relationships with fathers to vaginas in a variety of, um, sticky situations. That’s right. I said it. If you were there, you knew what I was talking about.

One of the reasons we don’t give a prompt or dictate themes at our potluck is because this gives people the opportunity to observe the natural themes and coincidences that emerge organically when people trust themselves and tell what they feel most drawn to tell.
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Permanent link to this article: https://storyluck.org/thank-you-2/
Whether it was because of his long drive in, you’re loving the sounds of piano and guitar, or the charming red faced smile when he slow rolled that second verse to his ballad, you voted him up to the tune of 427 points. Thanks! We’ve sent him the invite and he’s told us, “I can’t wait to make that six and a half hour trip again!” Thanks Chris. And thanks everyone who came out last night to support the show, you were a fantastic audience to ringleader for.

I am wicked tired and so you can expect to see the podcast and a tighter write up go live sometime after Saturday. But I wanted to make sure the announcement was made by today.
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Permanent link to this article: https://storyluck.org/congratulations-chris-perrotta/