
You’re One of 3 People Who Attend Masterminds Regularly.

A photo of young people in a collaborative work environment.

Masterminds are for people like me. Let’s see if they’re for you too.

I’ve recently volunteered to help administrate Story Luck’s Slacker’s Mastermind and wanted to learn more about masterminds in general. I’ve discovered masterminds are powerful communities where people come together to share knowledge, challenge each other, and grow. They attract a wide range of participants, each with unique perspectives. Here are three types of people who regularly attend masterminds and why they find value in them:

1. The Entrepreneur

Entrepreneurs often attend masterminds for support and guidance. These groups provide feedback on business challenges, help avoid costly mistakes, and offer accountability. They gain valuable insights from others who have faced similar struggles, making masterminds a great space to refine their business strategies. 

You know how lonely entrepreneurship can be. The other day, I was talking to my friend who has this start-up idea. But he was telling me how self-doubt has been kicking his butt lately. “How come nobody has ever thought of this? Am I crazy?”

It is people like him that Masterminds help. People in search of validation, reassurance, and concrete, tangible advice.

2. The Creative Professional 

Creatives use masterminds to exchange ideas and receive feedback. In a mastermind, creatives can overcome creative blocks and stay motivated by connecting with other professionals who understand the unique challenges of creative work.

  • The artists is having trouble finding a good assistant. After detailing his problems in the group the business man tells a story about how he’d fired 5 secretaries before he realized it wasn’t a person problem it was a training issue. After the Mastermind he sent his 1 sheet framework for the artist to adapt.

3. The Career Changer 

Masterminds are also popular among career changers. They offer advice and encouragement during transitions, making it easier to navigate new professional paths with the collective wisdom of the group.

  • Jeff the lifetime techie doesn’t know whether he should stay or go. After a discussion with the group he devises a rubric for making a decision. He asks himself, “What would make staying an easy yes?” And he makes a plan to get to yes over the next month. One of his issues, he would need a raise. Alicia recently got a raise after taking a professional development course, she offers Jeff a 15 minute Zoom call to role play. 

There’s a possibility you fall a little bit into all these categories. We’ve all got community but masterminds are centered around helping you achieve your goals. 

If you’re looking to grow and learn alongside others, join Story Luck’s Slacker’s Mastermind.

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