Indiana State senior AXOmega All I need is pizza and a pen.
Author's posts
Jul 04 2014
Its Back! Robot Apocalypse: Journey to the End of the Night
Is there a need to fear an Apocalypse if we all end up being immortal robots? RAJEN, asks you to explore the city, but it also gets you to question what it means to be human. Story Luck is inviting you! and all your friends in and around Chicago to participate in Robot Apocalypse: Journey …
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Jun 25 2014
Enjoy June with These Storytellers
Get the chance to get out of the comfort zone of your neighborhood and branch out to hear and tell your own stories with these events this June. The following events are open to the public and range from all ages. With many of the following events in different states it is good for storytellers …
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May 10 2014
Some Podcasts worth Checking out!
1. The Moth: what I liked about The Moth is the founding story from George Dawes Greene’s life. Sitting outside telling stories with his friends prompted him to want to expand storytelling all together. I like how fast The Moth grew because of the people interested to tell and listen to different stories. I like hearing about how small The Moth started off to become a podcast that started on a porch in Georgia and made it to New York.
2. StoryCorps: I like how different StoryCorps goes about getting new stories. They get interviews from people and record and store them. I think it is a cool way to preserve stories in the moment and gather the words and emotion behind what was said. I think StoryCoprs is obvious in what they want to get out of storytelling with diversity and vulnerability. The vulnerability of StoryCorps is what attracted me the most to their version of storytelling, to broaden different points of view in a world that everyone shares together.
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