
Tag: The Moth

Some Podcasts worth Checking out!

1. The Moth: what I liked about The Moth is the founding story from George Dawes Greene’s life. Sitting outside telling stories with his friends prompted him to want to expand storytelling all together. I like how fast The Moth grew because of the people interested to tell and listen to different stories. I like hearing about how small The Moth started off to become a podcast that started on a porch in Georgia and made it to New York.

2. StoryCorps: I like how different StoryCorps goes about getting new stories. They get interviews from people and record and store them. I think it is a cool way to preserve stories in the moment and gather the words and emotion behind what was said. I think StoryCoprs is obvious in what they want to get out of storytelling with diversity and vulnerability. The vulnerability of StoryCorps is what attracted me the most to their version of storytelling, to broaden different points of view in a world that everyone shares together.

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Permanent link to this article: https://storyluck.org/some-podcasts-worth-checking-out/

The Moth Story Slam Postcard

I have a back log of post cards to send out to Elizabeth’s Crazy Little Thing and to post here. I’ve also got a back log of post cards she’s sent to me from various shows. And I’m looking forward to getting a bunch of blanks in the mail, hopefully in time to give away at our August 3rd show.

This post card was presented to a fine group of fellows and ladies at last night’s Moth Story Slam. And with kindness and a trepidatious kind of gusto they took it upon themselves to write! This short missive was the collective work of four or five good looking friends who, after writing it gave it back with the instructions, “You absolutely can’t read this in front of us. Wait till you get home. It’s short.”

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Permanent link to this article: https://storyluck.org/the-moth-story-slam-postcard/