
Ashar Foley

Author's posts

‘Over the Rainbow’ is a Song about Detention

The crazy reason I sometimes miss detention is the same reason I miss a lot of probably unpleasant things: fear of missing out.  I know what you’re thinking—the point of detention is that you’re detained. You, in your teenage prime, after 7 hours of school, have to sit for another hour of school, but drained …

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Permanent link to this article: https://storyluck.org/relive-detention-book-club/

When Good Girls Get Detention they Get PHDs

We’re all good with detention’s bad rap. It’s school after school, worse than school itself. Study hall for those who didn’t study in the first place, which is either the aptest or the least apt punishment, depending on your sense of irony. I’m starting up a book club with my super nerd friends, Daniel Andrew …

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Permanent link to this article: https://storyluck.org/detention-book-club/

Friends Don’t Let Friends Get Out of Detention.

Let’s face it:   The worst thing about book clubs is the books themselves. I mean, having to read? On top of everything else?  Even as an avid reader, I have historically considered my engagement with book clubs more a matter of allegiance to the friends who roped me into them than to any desire (or …

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Permanent link to this article: https://storyluck.org/friends-dont-let-friends-get-out-of-detention/