
Tag: Jennifer Bosworth

Dec. 14th Features Feature!

Rohina Malik
Shannon Cason
Jennifer Bosworth
Bryan Bowden
Caitlen Bergh

Greatness. The show, as usual, will feature 10 storytellers. Five walk-ups, and five featured guests. Those are our features, invited to prepare a 10-12 minute long story, told in any way they like. Some of our tellers play characters, some use music or props, most just straight-up tell their story… but we welcome all to use that time to tell a story in their own way.

We do not dictate themes at Here’s the Story. Instead we invite everyone to begin listening for the story that wants to be told. on December 14th.

On the 14th, doors open at 7:30 for the potluck and open-swap sign up. The show starts at 8. The show happens at Stage 773, at 1225 W. Belmont. Feel free to rsvp on facebook.

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