
Tag: Emily Walker

Thanks Deanna!

This is just a quick update, Emily Walker has gotten a job on a cruise line for Second City and they rushed her out late last night so she could make it in time for her Sunday Sail. In her place, we will be featuring the awesome Deanna Moffitt If you’ve not seen her show, This Much is True, you should! It’s incredible.

Thanks so much Deanna!

Can’t wait to see you guys tonight.

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Permanent link to this article: https://storyluck.org/i-am-pretty-sure-janna-is-not-pranking-me/

April 1st Features Feature!

We have a stellar line up for our 1yr anniversary:

Emily Walker
Dave Jennings
Cameron Esposito
Jeff Gandy
Bill Larkin!

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Permanent link to this article: https://storyluck.org/april-1st-features-feature/