Huge thanks to everyone who was a part of last night’s show! It was a beautiful night full of wonderful stories; one of my favorites we’ve had… for it’s excellent tellers– both featured and walk-up– and for the fascinating themes that emerged. As lots of you know, we don’t dictate themes at Here’s the Story, which leaves the night open for threads to emerge that are more subtle and profound than anything we could have come up with ahead of time.
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Last night’s themes were fascinating. Some that we noticed were animals, totems, leaving home, starting new, coming out, and family religion and spirituality. I feel like there were more, and you should comment if you saw any that have been haunting you. All of our tellers graced us with their courage, humor, insight. And our audience was warm, welcoming, fascinated and funny… quick to laugh and gasp and swoon, as usual.
We have a nice big space now to hold a lot of people, and our audience this time was a rosy, cozy one! If you have enjoyed Here’s the Stories past, please come back! And bring your friends; we’ve got plenty of room. This event is nothing if not for and of and by all of you. We provide the space and time and the prompt to come together, to listen and share ideas and experiences within an intellectually and creatively and culturally diverse group of people. But the nights are what YOU make of them. So come back in November, and bring your people, and make something new and wonderful together.