
Tag: checkpoints

People to Thank, and Room for You to Comment!

We will be putting up a sentimental, heartfelt thanks, probably Thursday, (I have a lot to say) but I wanted to get a little memento from the night up today. We will be taking two weeks to come up with a good ending based on the stories we heard/collected/shared. We will post that story on Monday Oct. 3rd as a featured article here. Meanwhile we will be posting scattering thoughts about the night, and work on how best to collect and present the creative work that the runners and robots did to help make the night. We will also be posting the race stats we collected. (As well as continue with the normal Here’s the Story articles.)

In regards to the final outcome of Robot Apocalypse the survivors made varying choices.

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Permanent link to this article: https://storyluck.org/people-to-thank-and-room-for-you-to-comment/