I hate the morning. Just about anyone who knows me knows that it is my least favorite time of day, that is unless it involves my bed, pancakes and strawberries or both– in that case I am ALL ABOUT mornings. Sadly, my mornings most often consist of blanket lines on my face as I struggle through traffic/often grumpy people in order to eventually make it to my place of employment. Once upon a time I took the Metra into the city as a part of my commute. I loved the Metra. Actually, now that I am thinking about it, I might write a love letter to the Metra. For me it was so freeing to have the schedule made by someone else (that I had to follow– no snoozing), not worry about traffic, people watch, sip on my coffee, and read. I don’t think everyone loves the Metra as much as I do/did. I often saw and still see people with extreme surly expressions waiting for the train or worse yet, missing the train.
Mornings are tough, so I chose to leave my love letter on a counter that busy commuters take a moment to sit before they catch their train. My letter was somewhat generalized, but it went a little something like this:
How was your day? Was it warm? Was it long? Was it full of adventure and laughter? Regardless of how the hours prior to this moment played out is of no importance. What matters at this moment is YOU.
Take a deep breath in…
Push it all out of your lungs, with it goes the anxieties of daily life, that person who was rude, what you’re having for dinner.
What remains is your heart–pure and strong.
<3 <3 <3 <3
I’m writing to you today because you amaze me with your beauty, your smile, your kindness and your love. You make this world a good place, and you make others strive to do the same.
Keep on keepin’ on and remember to
If not today–soon. Something just for you.
With All of My Love, Yours Very Truly,
We are all struggling to get through the day sometimes. I hope my love letter brightened someones day, perhaps they will even continue passing it along? Love letters and letters in general are so important. While researching this task I found a website and a group that just sends love letters and you can nominate friends to receive bundles of them! Isn’t that great? Well, I think we should write more love letters. Here’s the site: http://www.moreloveletters.com and all my love to all of you, near and far :D
We encourage you to come share your Love Letters at the live show! If you post a Love Letters story in the comments here, you get into the show for free.
A Month Of
Stage 773 1225 W.
Belmont Wed Sept 11th 7:30-10:00
$10 free with a posted story or shared dish