Who in their right mind wakes up at 4 a.m. for a book club?
Well, apparently, I do—at least, I did this one time. Detention’s second session took place on Monday, January 13th, 2025, at 7:00 p.m. CST. But for me, living in a time zone nine hours ahead, that meant a 4:00 a.m. wake-up on Tuesday, January 14th.
Did I sleep peacefully the night before? Not a chance. I was too anxious about missing my alarm. My game plan was simple: wake up at 3:30 a.m., freshen up, and be in my seat by 4:00. Reality check: I hit snooze once—okay, maybe twice—because who wakes up that early without protest?
But let me tell you, it was worth every bleary-eyed moment. This book club was the highlight of my week. Sure, the week had just started, but I say that with 100% certainty.
I tuned in via YouTube, though you can also join on Twitch or Facebook. The discussion was beautifully structured, the insights so profound they made me want to revisit the book (or audiobook) with a whole new lens. It felt like I was experiencing the story through someone else’s mind. If you’re a book lover, you know how rare and magical that is. What I thought was going to be a light read ended up being a political science masterclass. Tackling a wide range of topics, such as how billionaires shape politics, vaccines, ethics, the Cambridge Analytica scandal, fascism – all the deep stuff.
A Labor of Love
Now, let’s talk behind-the-scenes: seeing all our hard work come to life was deeply satisfying. Weeks of effort—writing articles, promoting the event on social media, reaching out to friends, sending emails, and crossing fingers—finally paid off. It truly felt like a labor of love, and I couldn’t be prouder of our team.
To everyone who showed up, thank you. You made this moment even more special. If you missed it, don’t worry! You can catch the recording on YouTube via this link.
Better yet, mark your calendar for our next session, where we’ll be diving into Exhalation by Ted Chiang. I promise you won’t want to miss it. Sign up here, and let’s make it another unforgettable experience!