Hey everyone! As many of you know, our June show will mark our first storytelling event featuring invited storytellers. We are very excited about this, and want to tell you a little bit about it. HTS will continue to be a potluck and open story swap, where everyone is welcome to sign up to share a story. Common sharing is at the heart of what we mean to foster with this event, so please come to tell if you wish!
In June, we will also begin bringing you special guests from Chicago’s various artistic, academic, and activist communities, to add their stories to the mix. One of our missions is to bring people together from various creative circles, who might not normally overlap, and give us all an opportunity to spark and be inspired by one another, and we see this as a good way of fostering this. Each month, we will aim to bring you some of our favorite creative thinkers from a variety of disciplines.
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In June, we are honored and delighted to bring you the following line up of featured tellers:
Anthony Oberbeck
Kelsie Huff
Rev. Dr. Clare Butterfield
Norm Holly
Scott Whitehair
These are people we greatly respect for their thinking, humor, life’s work, and storytelling ability, and we are thrilled that they will join us. Their bios will appear here very soon.
Also starting in June (and maybe of special interest to those particularly interested in storytelling), all interested walk-up tellers will have the chance to return as one of our 5 featured tellers the following month. Everyone in the house will be given the opportunity to give points and feedback to their favorite walk-up storytellers, and the person with the most points will be invited to be a feature at the next event. We’ll explain a bit more about how it works when we see you. : )
Thanks everyone for reading! We are really excited to see you next Wednesday. Bring friends, family, food if you wish, and your stories. Yay! It’s free!