
My Side of the Tertiary Delight Story

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Color schemes we didn’t go with.

While Dan and I were hanging out on the playground at Millennium Park, he brought up that he was having falafel with his friends Josh and Asa. They were all meeting up before working on a passion project: a podcast. He explained that his friend Bonnie would join later, and asked if I would I be interested in tagging along for the whole experience.

“Of course,” I responded, delighted at the invitation to potentially meet new friends. 

At the hole-in-the-wall spot we were in (it’s literally inside of a jewelry store), I found out details about the podcast: Tertiary Delight. I saw its appeal in real time. Josh and Asa are best friends, and it was evident during our time at the table. I was looking forward to getting to know them further, and now I was even more interested in how this podcast would play out. 

We walked over to Dan’s place and met up with Bonnie. 

“I’ll just listen,” I insisted. And that’s when an episode of Tertiary Delight was first recorded. 


Season 1 Episodes 1-8 release on March 1st but you can get a sneak peak of episode 7 at our Sound Cloud.

Part one of the story: How Tertiary Delight Started.
Part two here: Priyanka’s side of the story.
Part three here: Dan’s final thoughts

Permanent link to this article: https://storyluck.org/my-side-of-the-tertiary-delight-story/

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