Jul 01 2014
Keep Up With Us by Subscribing to Our Email Newsletter
- By Jacqueline Brogdon in Storytelling News
July 1, 2014
Jacqueline Brogdon
Jacqueline Brogdon was born and raised in Darien, IL, where her local library became her favorite place in the world, because every shelf contained hundreds of stories waiting to be paid attention to. When she reached high school, she became interested in non-fiction stories too and went on the become the editor-in-chief of her high school news magazine. Now a student a Washington University in St. Louis, she is studying International and Area Studies, Writing, and Spanish. Her interests include fictional and non-fictional romances, travel, animals, and the color yellow.
Check out her personal website, www.jacquelinebrogdon.com, which features travel blogging, creative non-fiction, book reviews, and other random thoughts.
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