
An Incomplete List of Failure

Stories + Potlucks = Story Luck

Listen. Tell. Create.

I am deeply proud of the work Story Luck has done, the Story Luck Show was awesome, Producing Robot Apocalypse: Journey to the End of the Night continues to be the highlight of my career as an artist. There are pieces the hosts of A Month Of… wrote that make me tear up. And real life adventures we went on all over the city that I deeply cherish. That show got us our first Reddit post and subsequent news article! We are more sustainable than we’ve ever been, and we’ve managed to grow the money we took in during our Kickstarter, many moons ago. There’s a lot to be thankful for, and we don’t know exactly how to put this, but I guess we just hope that you’re as thankful for us as we are for you. And that you know, everyone on the team, Susan, Noah, Adam, Craig, Priyanka and everyone who worked on past projects, we really care about storytelling. This is charity work for us, and we want it to be a gift. We’ve put on a lot of shows, and it happens because Chicago is a town of strangers who get together and cheer artists on. So yeah, thanks for sticking around all these years with us. (Since like 2010? Basically!)

Okay from here on out, this is going to be an incomplete list of our failures.

Marketing is a huge one. It’s gross that the last Journey we successfully produced had 80 people show up. And it’s absolutely an issue of not getting the word out.

Over complicating events. A Month Of was this strange beast where I would explain it to some people, and they’d immediately get it. But the vast majority of people who showed up to that show over and over and would be like, “I like this, but I don’t get it.”

Projects have failed to launch, the most egregious being Owen Kalt’s Solo Show. Our communication when things are going poorly is not to be admired. If the Kickstarter generation has taught us anything, it should have been that nobody cares about late or failed projects, that can be forgiven, but getting ghosted is the worst.

So, to be clear, I’m sorry for over-complicated shows, marketing let downs, and failed communication, particularly regarding failed projects.

I believe that true sorrow is shown through a change of action. Trust is going to have to be built back up. We’ve been posting a little bit of the trust building stuff the last few days, but – I think fans need an official reckoning. So yeah, sorry. For reals. Let us prove it to you in 2020.

your friendly story lion,
Daniel Andrew Boyd

Permanent link to this article: https://storyluck.org/an-incomplete-list-of-failure/

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