Create your own map.
We had a good show last night, new folks came, and we welcomed a new host Bonnie Fan.
The stories varied wildly and it felt like a group of friends having a ruckus discussion gently guided by the joyous panda that is our fearless leader Duo.
After a debate, and several switching of votes, next month’s theme was decided.
For the rest of the month we will be celebrating the stories inherent in maps. And hopefully creating some of our own.
Usually the task is about going out into the world and creating a special moment for someone else, this month the theme and task is much more easily done in a quiet contemplative way. I’m really looking forward to seeing what the hosts, and others come up with!
At the show, we talked about audio maps, cartography maps, maps of the body, maps we remember, and how we might get together and create a map as a group. If you’re interested in doing the group task, shoot an email to And we will help coordinate.
As ever, here is the facebook invite, if you’re into that sort of thing.