
A Month Of… Boundaries – Define a space

Last month’s show was a grand and special mix of Genius stories.

@stage773 a fantastic #story that end s in everyone runs away. #storytelling about a broken windshield

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We heard stories about the genius inherent in a Dad’s voice, uncovered genius in a federal penitentiary, genius gambling moments, and how genius can sometimes be awkward in social situations. And then as the show ended we deliberated on various ideas for next month. What should we do? When should we do it?

The debate was not particularly heated and we came together and decided on…

Define a Space

A Month Of… Boundaries
1225 West Belmont
7:30 Food
8:00 Stories
$10 or free wish a shared dish
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Permanent link to this article: https://storyluck.org/a-month-of-boundaries-define-a-space/

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