We love this new genre. Embrace the 99 second format.
We want to encourage you to tell your own 99 second stories. We want to encourage you to work on this video form. Play around with the video functions on your phone or your computer. Experiment with backgrounds.
I think there are more performers out there than TV would have you believe. A dozen leading actors are in everything! Netflix has like two heartthrob boys who star in every “teen” rom-dram.
Your artistic voice, your dramatic mode, your epic mode, it’s fun to work on, and it’s fun to show off to the world. People want to hear your stories! Even your rough drafts. Even your slick mistakes. As long as it’s you, and it’s from your heart, it’s worth sharing.
Later this week we are going to launch our first 99 second storytelling contest.
We are going to ask you to tag #storyluck #99secondstory and link back to the contest page. Storyluck.org/99secondcontest
Then Storyluck will work with you to get as many people to see your story as possible. That way, your story gets to the people who need to hear it. Through this contest, we want to help you find your tribe.
That’s it.
At the end of the month, after all the entries are in we will have a show were we stream the top stories. And three winners will get a prize.
The full details of how we will be judging these stories will be on the official contest announcement. But key aspects will be, your voice, we see you’re trying to push yourself as an artist, and we want to see you trying to share your stories.
If you like the idea of seeing 99 second stories. But you aren’t exactly excited about crafting one… Well you can still help us! Shoot me an email Dan@storyluck.org. We’ll talk!
*by submitting to this contest you will be granting Story Luck a Creative Commons Attribution License to the work. That means we can repost your work on our website as long as it’s clear it’s yours and we link back to you. We do not request any form of rights. Simply a license to share the work with our fans via social media.
Facebook event!