
Richard Munchkin’s 99 Second, Covid Hair, Fiasco Story

Everyone struggled with maintaining their hair regimen during quarantine!

Few did so as humorously as Richard. He tells a story where regardless of keeping his hair long or cutting it short, he just can’t seem to get it right. This story will leave you in stitches.

Storyteller Richard Munchkin

RSVP to the show on Tuesday Aug 31st here.
Free Show
6pm CDT.

Richard Munchkin, your story resonated with me. 

I too went through a COVID hair phase of sorts.

Actually, many people at my office also went through COVID hair phases from long hair and beards to stopping dying their hair or even cutting it all off! None so far has been as funny as your punch line. I actually laughed out loud.

Story Luck is working on a YouTube Class.

We believe you have stories to share. Those stories don’t have to be big. They don’t have to be crafted over years. But we do want you to share them. There are many ways for you to share the stories of your life.

If you don’t take our course, find an open mic. Stories on stage, there’s nothing like it.

Whether you’ve got a Richard Munchkin Bad Hair Story, or a story that’s been bubbling up inside you… find a way to share it.

Permanent link to this article: https://storyluck.org/richard-munchkins-99-second-covid-hair-fiasco-story/

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