
Category: Featured

Entertaining Articles and Front Page Material.

Mockup of the T-shirt Has Arrived

April 6th Zombie Jesus Easter Potluck Party! 7:30-??? Come, bring food, bring brains, dress up! Free

Permanent link to this article: https://storyluck.org/rough-draft-of-the-t-shirt-has-arived/

Our Friends Issue 2: Video Games

I missed a reading that Sam had invited me to, but that’s okay because I missed it to see this month’s Encyclo Show. Last month I’d let them borrow two double A batteries and in appreciation they gave me a free ticket, but probably-mostly I went because Video Games was the topic. I am going …

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Permanent link to this article: https://storyluck.org/video-games/

Zombie Jesus Easter Potluck Party

So I was sitting around in Nathan’s sun room, just kibitzing while he did some computer chicanery, “Listen, Janna can’t make the first show and she’s the pull for getting people to show up. So I was thinking, why don’t I just throw a party?” He asks me, “What’s the theme?” “I got nothing. I …

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Permanent link to this article: https://storyluck.org/zombie-jesus-easter-potluck-party/

Our Friends Issue 1: Bike Riding Fiesta

  Essay Fiesta is run by Keith Ecker and Alyson Lyon. I was first introduced to the wonderful world/community of Book Cellar literati by my friend and Here’s the Story comrade Janna Sobel. It is on my mind today because I, along with about a dozen other fans, had gone out to see her perform …

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Permanent link to this article: https://storyluck.org/our-friends-issue-1/