
Postcard from Yellowstone National Park to Here’s the Story!

We have been sending postcards, and we’ve been giving postcards away. Some for you to mail to friends. Some for you to mail back to us. Elizabeth Harper has sent us a ton! And famously we’ve gotten one back from Joffre Stewart.

Today I opened the mail to find a particularly special package. Here are the contents:

It comes at a good time. For one, feeling a smidgen down, my heart made good use out of the special uplifting powers of an unsolicited gift from the sky. Two, I thought in the moment of receiving, “For sure this is from Janna, what a sweetheart.” She was headed home to Arizona by way of Yellowstone National Park. But in the end, it was not sent from her, but instead by a nameless other. An other who also made it home.

There are vague clues, homemade stamps, perhaps it is the boy pictured who sent this piece of mail? At one of the early Here’s the Story shows a young man asked, “Do I have to send you one of your own postcards? Could I just send you anyting?”

I said, “Of course!”

Perhaps this is him, months later, making good on that early thought?

The envelope is frosted but transparent, and along with the map of the park there were two homemade stamps with shaky eggs emblazoned on them. I think it’s a Blue Jay’s egg. Lastly, it came with a homemade postcard, pre-addressed to us. It’s stamped with a real stamp and ripe for us to give away as a newsletter prize. It’s ripe to give away because it’s addressed to us, and besides an unvarnished 28cent stamp it is blank. Clearly this blank spot is meant to be filled by you.

So sign up for our emails and in the next blast we will tell you how to win this piece of artistic artifact. And detail the extra super prize you’ll get when you send it back to us filled with a story!

See you on the 14th!

Permanent link to this article: https://storyluck.org/postcard-from-yellowstone-national-park-to-heres-the-story/

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  1. […] you remember when we got a letter from Yellowstone National Park? Well, as the whole place started to close up I noticed a sign for the first time. This despite my […]

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