There are Many ways to tell at Story Luck:
1. Come to the show and sign up to be one of our storyswap tellers! Yes, indeed: anyone from anywhere with a story about anything can sign up to share that very same night, and if your name is drawn, the stage is yours. This is an excellent way to practice telling, and be heard by a big, delighted audience of curious, supportive people.
2. If you have a slightly longer, more involved, or more carefully practiced story, and would like to be one of our featured storytellers, just shoot us an email. We’d love to hear from you. Since we specially feature embodied story (or off-book/memorized stuff), you do not need to submit a written piece. We will just want to know what you’re thinking of telling or performing, so we’ll ask you to tell us about it. If you do have a written piece or some video footage you’d like to show us, we will gladly look at that as well.
We tend to feature folks who are either a. somewhat experienced with solo performance or storytelling, b. have some unique area of interest or experience that we’d love to share with an audience (which could be almost anything), or c. have a downright special story to tell. We feel like storytelling can look like a lot of different things (performance art, dance, music, stand up comedy, talking) and so encourage our tellers and performers to create as they wish. We are happy to offer some support in the development of a piece (and have some technical resources as well), but lay no constraints in regard to style, and encourage you to do your thing. Some of our featured pieces may be more intricately rehearsed or technical, and some will just be good stories told verbally.
3. Do number 1, get the most points from our audience– which will be posted the day after each show on this website– and get invited back as one of our featured tellers the next month! Poof!
For more information on submitting, or to express interest in being a featured teller, please email