
Tag: Story Luck

99 Second Story – Featuring Nadia Felecan

Nadia Felecan at second city tells a 99 second story

Nadia Felecan told this 99 second story for the first time at Sean Wellington’s 99 second story slam. And it’s going to take her to the Grand Slam in a few weeks. Meanwhile, if you want to see more of these 99 second stories, check them out on our website here. It’s a little on …

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Permanent link to this article: https://storyluck.org/99-second-story-featuring-nadia-felecan/

Top Ten Things I Learned from Snark King, David Sedaris’s Master Class (And my biggest takeaway.)

David Sedaris Looking Suave

David Sedaris has about 6hrs of content on Masterclass. After going through the course, here are my top 10 biggest take aways. For further reading about our review system go back to the first article here. (Affiliate Link) 1. Write all day. 4hrs minimum. 2. The opening line is everything. 3. Writing is rewriting. 4. …

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Permanent link to this article: https://storyluck.org/top-ten-things-i-learned-from-snark-king-david-sedariss-master-class-and-my-biggest-takeaway/

Heidi Grandberry Featuring


Heidi Grandberry was brought into this world against her will. Her childhood was spent in the Midwest where she became fluent in the language of Passive Aggression. Her comedy is dark while simultaneously engaging and thoughtful.

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Permanent link to this article: https://storyluck.org/heidi-grandberry-featuring/

Welcome to My Parlor… Games!

Listen to your heart

Permanent link to this article: https://storyluck.org/welcome-to-my-parlor-games/

Daniel Boyd Performing Dec 5th, A Book that Changed my Life

Please come support Dan and Literacy Works, on Thursday Dec 5th at the Fulton Street Collective. Literacy Works teaches adults to read both via low literacy advocacy and by way of ESL classes. Literacy works with multiple organizations in Chicago to create workshops and rubrics for teaching teachers. While it’s a hard number to quantify, …

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Permanent link to this article: https://storyluck.org/daniel-boyd-performing-dec-5th-a-book-that-changed-my-life/

Wow! A new post.

  To almost all our fans, it’s looked like we’ve been doing nothing. And I have to imagine, to some of us who have been working on projects – I think we’ve felt that way too. But it isn’t true. We took a stab at making Journey, we took a stab at making a video …

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Permanent link to this article: https://storyluck.org/wow-a-new-post/

Duo and Bonnie – Preview Post

This month, we’ve taken to celebrating boundaries and our ability to define spaces.


To be the first to find out what Duo and Bonnie did, you’ll have to come to the show tonight. (Those who can’t make the show will be able to read their stories on Friday.)

A Month Of
Stage 773
1225 West Belmont
7:30 Food
8:00 Stories
$10 or Free
Facebook invite

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Permanent link to this article: https://storyluck.org/duo-and-bonnie-preview-post/

Story Luck at Feastival

This weekend we will be at Eco hosting a Story Luck style open mic with three guest features.

Story Luck
Saturday July 26th
2042 W 21st Street, Chicago, Chicago, Illinois 60608
Tickets are available here!

And here is the Facebook invite with full details: Edible Alchemy Hosts Feastival at Eco

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Permanent link to this article: https://storyluck.org/story-luck-at-feastival/

Moving On

Yes, yes, I know we were allowed to destroy sentimental objects in ways OTHER than setting them on fire. But from the moment I saw the task, I knew that for me, fire was the only way. Luckily a number of other people at the show felt the same way, so we agreed to meet …

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Permanent link to this article: https://storyluck.org/moving-on/

Pictures Posted

Here is a small snapshot of photos from our tasking. Click the first photo to link to all the rest!

DSC_0521072514072514 DSC_0524072514072514 Fire Caroseen072514072514

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Permanent link to this article: https://storyluck.org/pictures-posted/